Hey, guess what, I'm still alive, and I am now back in America. The last test & final exams went alright so in a little under 2 weeks I will be moving to my new place in Saginaw. So a brief review of the month of December:After Mini 3 I had every intention of heading to the beach for a last time to go snorkeling - changed into my swimsuit, started walking to the beach, and 1/3 of the way there it started raining. So spent the rest of the afternoon playing games & visiting with friends in the CAC. The rest of the week is a blur of studying micro & pharm for finals.Now finals for 4th semester are cumulative over 2 semesters & broken into morning & afternoon segments. Well, I finished the first part around 10am, giving me 3hrs to kill until part 2, so I decided to walk down by the beach for the last time & take some pictures. Unfortunately, the waves were huge...
Yeah, I had to walk home & change into dry clothes. After finishing the rest of the exam in the afternoon, I tried a second round at the beach, determined that I would bid the island farewell from the Caribbean Sea. Well, the waves were just as big, but this time we meant to get wet. Riding the waves is a blast, right? My friend Dan & I walked to the end of the beach, and we were getting back into the water on our way back, but on my way in, a huge wave swept up & washed the beach out from under my feet, and oh great joy:
I walked the rest of the way back the beach with blood dripping down my leg. Lovely. Yeah, that was enough of the beach. Limped home to shower & change before meeting some friends for dinner, and as I walked up my steps I realized that my keys were in my locker on campus. Oh yeah, yippee. Thought about calling my landlady to see if she had come by yet to drop off my security deposit because if not maybe she'd come let me in & we'd kill 2 birds with one stone (wow, that's a horrible & cruel expression...). BUT guess where my cell phone was. No, not my locker. It was locked in my apartment. So had to walk back to campus for my keys & then back home to clean up & then back toward campus for dinner. Had my last island dinner with Mike & Ana to say goodbye. Love & will miss them.So then, I had smooth travels home on Friday the 17th. One hour in Puerto Rico, then the 13-year-old Puerto Rican boy sitting next to me for the 3hr flight was very bored & chatty. He highly recommends that I read the Twilight books. Then I walked off the plane in Miami to pretty much walk right back on the last plane home. Woot, no delays or missed connections this time!Monday rolled around and brought with it my first meltdown dose of culture shock. It started with my car doors being frozen shut, thus making me slightly late for my morning doctor's appointment. I pulled my dad out of the bathroom to help me with my doors, and when he went back in he closed the garage door. So I try to put in the code to open the door, but it only went part of the way up, so I freaked out thinking I was locked out of the house. Went around & pounded on the front door to get my Dad to let me in when I think he's in the shower. Come to find out the door was unlocked (which makes no sense), and he had put the automatic garage door opener in my car too. All very minor things, but when I got in to my room at the doctor I laid there & cried & it just dawned on me that a part of my life had ended & it was time to start the next adventure...Stay tuned for the next post all about the beautiful new addition to my family.
Storm :)
Alright, in case you've lost count I will return to my American life exactly 2 weeks from today. Being that I'll be returning to a Michigan winter I decided that I'm going to dedicate this post to the things that I appreciate about winter/the holiday season... you know, in case I forget about 3 weeks from now when my car gets stuck in the snow & I can't feel my toes.- fires in the wood stove- fuzzy socks &/or slippers- wearing pants again (nobody will know if I don't shave! lol)- hot chocolate- Christmas movies on ABC family & Lifetime- decorating the tree & putting up lights- baking cookies- flannel sheets (the softest, most wonderful sheets I've ever had)- getting cozy & snug under mounds of blankets- Christmas shopping- cinnamon rolls on Christmas morningYeah, that's a good start. I tried to keep that to the things specific to the season, but there are just so many things to look forward to about going home. Definitely can't wait to curl up on the couch with the cat & read a book. Anyway, add to my list. What are your favorite things about winter?