Friday, August 31, 2012

Life's Soundtrack

Facebook recently forced me into the new timeline template, and I found this silly little game from 2006 & thought I'd do it again.

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits: "Devil Went Down to Georgia" -Charlie Daniels

Waking Up: "Little Goodbyes" -SheDaisy

First Day At School: "Could Have Fooled Me" -Adam Gregory

Falling In Love: "The Space in Between Us" -Building 429

Fight Song: "Nothin' But Cowboy Boots" -Blue County

Breaking Up: "Dancing in Circles" -Love & Theft

Prom: "I'm Done" -JoDee Messina (omg, this should've come one song sooner! haha)

Life's Okay: "These Are the Good Ole Days" -James Otto

Mental Breakdown: "Memphis" -David Nail

Driving: "What Kinda Gone" -Chris Cagle

Flashback: "Isn't That Everything" -Danielle Peck

Getting Back Together: "Numbers" -Jason Michael Carroll

Wedding: "Mala Gente" -Juanes (LMBO ROFL!! Dear God, I hope this doesn't represent my future wedding!!)

Birth of a Child: "I'd Love to be Your Last" -Clay Walker (this is so inappropriate)

Final Battle: "Love You" -Jack Ingram (if you haven't heard this song before, replace "love" in the title with an obscenity)

Death Scene: "Livin' in Paradise" -Jonathan Singleton & the Grove

Funeral Song: "Forces of Nature" -Backstreet Boys

End Credits:"Dirty Girl" -Terri Clark

eh, coulda turned out better, but some of them are amusing.

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